Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Got GIFT?? Be thankful not Arrogant.

When and How will your creative seeds grow and bloom?

You may have thought about and loved writing all your life, you’ve loved books and the stories they tell and even how the words can come together in a group to say or not say something. Maybe you’ve learned to think poetically and words dance and change and become colorful and vibrantly take on a face and even a scent, so much so that yes, now you can see, taste and smell that image your words brought to life. You find that you can and in fact, must write.

Gifts and talents are given to us. We can learn a skill and develop technique, but we cannot learn a gift. We can’t pay someone to make us gifted. Some, in fact have wonderful gifts and no training. One never knows how a gift will be discovered, or when.

I think for many of us, those discoveries come later in life when we are our true selves, healthy, adjusted and simmered down. We are vessels for our gifts. It is not about us. It is our view and thought and emotion (or lack thereof), it is our bent and our take, our expression on things, that is our part. We get to pick the paint color. But we cannot give ourselves a gift anymore than we can give ourselves life.

I think there is a great deal of arrogant self-acclaim in the literary and art world. I see it and hear it, but it is not beautiful. There isn’t anything at all attractive about a talented person who believes they are great. However, it is not bragging to admit a gift or a talent because it was given to us, the gift comes through us and we get to express it.

Ever heard a great singer singing? They were blessed with that voice. Of course they can work it, but even if I worked it, and worked at it, I would not be a great singer singing. Sigh!!

I took piano lessons and I can still sit down at my piano and pick out a similar sound to what is written on the page, but I am not gifted with musical ability. Even if I did practice, practice, practice, I am not a musician. Is it ego that wants credit or something else, insecurity maybe? What’s wrong with being gifted and talented?? You are gifted or you are not.

These are just my thoughts, something I've been thinking about. What do you think? Agree or disagree?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Where do you put the FILM??????

Digital Cameras? Sure, why not? But where do I put the film??

That was the most puzzling thing to me. I do understand it now. That is after my daughter explained it to me and gave me a quick demo.

It was a gift for Christmas, my daughter lovingly gave me, and then told me to go read my manual.

She still asks if I have been reading it, my manual that is. Digital cameras do not require film.

For those of us who remember when nobody had a color T.V., and as teenagers we played 8 track tapes in our boyfriends GTO’s., this is not such a strange question.

It does take a little experimenting to learn all the ins and outs, but I do have the manual!

I know that my cats will be pleased when I stop bothering them. You would think that they have such hectic schedules and really just can’t spare the time to model for me. Whatever, I know better.

I also think that maybe the bathroom is not the most desirable place in my home to practice, really, I can do better than that. I love my camera. I will read my manual and I promise, no more shower curtain backgrounds!

Happy New Year everyone. Peace.