Monday, March 24, 2008

Sharon Woods

The day was just lovely Sunday, cool and sunny. A perfect afternoon for a walk in the park. This section of the park is a 4 mile walking trail with natural and paved paths. The trees looked to me like they had been sleeping and were just starting to wake. Even the deer looked sleepy and unfazed by my being there.

The colors were muted and blended into the scenery just like on this paper. The sky was cool looking with that amazing sun pushing its way into the picture and the moss was light and fuzzy and new.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Thinking of Spring?

The most exciting thing for me when I think about spring and beauty of the season is the freshness that is in the air. It feels crisp and new and slightly cool even in the sun. Fresh air, what could be better?

Open windows, even if only for a few hours in the afternoon are such a treat. And the birds with their singing; so eager to sing! What wonder and excitement all around!

Light fresh and wonderful spring jewelry is the focus at Beads of Faith. Thanks for your support. Making our dollars count for more than just more stuff. Beads of Faith is Sowing Seeds for BODY & SOUL. Food for the belly and hope for the heart.

Easter Blessings for Hope, Joy, Life, and New Birth

Just click on the link below and go to my storeClick on the link below that, and to my website

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Just Who's Art is This Anyway???

I was reading an interesting blog today at that asked if art is original when it is a painting made from a photograph that the artist did not take herself?

I think it depends. What is the content of the photograph and where did it come from? The comment was that the photographer was the one to take the picture and it was her vision and her work. Ok. No one can take that away from her. It is her photograph.

Let’s say you do a search for Kahlo on Etsy or Fine Art America. You will most likely get several hits, many of which will be paintings. How many of those paintings where painted from a photograph that the artist took herself during a lunch with Frida? Maybe they come from memory, from personal experience. What if they came from memory but it was a memory of someone else’s photograph? This could really get ridiculous.

What about other art forms that may use a part of a print or copy in a collage or jewelry? Is that original artwork? What about the art made from transfers such as tracing paper and projectors? Is that original??

And I wonder if all the artists over the years that have painted Mt. Rushmore all painted in open air? What if an artist takes a photo of Mt. Rushmore? Is that original art? After all someone else did the design.

I have two pages at my website that are photographs that I am using with permission and are made available for public use. The content of the photograph is not at all original to the photographer; it is organic and NOT MAN MADE. Isn’t the photographer copying someone else’s work when she takes a nature pic? This in no way is an attempt to discredit photography; it is a wonderful and much needed medium and important tool for the arts and humanity. But when a painting is made there is nothing on the canvas, the artist is going to recreate and form a new image... from that photograph.

All creative people get their cues and ideas from somewhere, something, some place. A painting most certainly can be original when inspired from a photograph if the artist is using it as a guide, a tool. The painting will take on an identify of its own. If the painter wanted to, she could give credit and note that the painting was inspired by a photograph; she could even list the photographer. But her painting is her own.

The point is this; if it is your work, and it is coming out of you, and it is being expressed by you, then it will be an original work, your original work By the way, I would be so flattered if someone painted my jewelry.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Evening in Paris and Welcome Home

Evening in Paris in a small oil painting of a young woman sitting in a wooden chair. She is dressed and ready for an evening in Paris. There is something very sweet and rich about that time when Europe was thinking of the new world and everyone was all a buzz about it.

The other is a larger acrylic painting with a white unpainted edge. It is called Welcome Home. The house sits among the trees in a peaceful and beautiful spot that is covered in lush greenery and wild flowers.
It is a much needed retreat for rest and renewal. A charming abode awaits.

Beads of Faith is sowing seed for BODY & SOUL
Art with a Purpose

Friday, March 7, 2008

Lilies for Lian

Lilies for Lian

This is a vivid acrylic 11.5x12inch painting of random huge Lily blooms.

I was so inspired and impressed when I saw a painting by Lian Quan Zhen where he had painted lilies in a photographic demonstration and painted all the foliage in nutmeg, butternut squash, black and brown (my colors). It was most beautiful and very cool. There was something about that style that was classic and true to form but then that unexpected twist. Painting the stems and leaves black, brown, and gold gave this lovely piece a fresh funky feel that was most appealing and attractive.

Lian Qaun Zhen teaches Chinese and watercolor painting workshops, which I would very much like to take part in. To see his work and learn more about this artist and his work just follow the link below.

Flowers for the teacher.

Handcrafted Bead & Wire Jewelry.
Original Drawings and Paintings.
Fun, Fresh, Uncommon.
Art with a Purpose.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Red-winged Blackbird

This is a painting I did in acrylic from a photograph of a male blackbird perched on a branch over the water. The Red-winged Blackbird is a wetlands dweller and is also a songbird. The female Red-winged blackbird appears more like a sparrow.
I first made this painting 12x12. However, I found a textured linen colored mat and brown wood frame and decided to trim it down, cutting off much of the water. It is now all contained in a 8x10 frame and is adding cheer to my home.

Here is a link to follow to learn more about this bird or other birds.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Some Spring Morning

Some Spring Morning

by Beth Sebring

Some Spring Morning is an 8x10 Oil on Canvas board. The Yellow blooms seem to be everywhere and you can almost feel the warmth of the sun streaming through the branches, not to mention the glorious fragrance.

There's really something special about that spring morning sun, its almost blinding to the eyes but so healing to the muscles and bones.

Monday, March 3, 2008

King of the Hill

King of the Hill

This is an abstract acrylic painting of my ex neighbors house. I could stand on my front porch or on the side deck and look up the hill and see his large A-frame house. It didn’t really have many trees or bushes or landscaping to anchor it. It looked a little strange and isolated up there in the moonlight on that hill.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

No Show in New Hope, PA

New Walls for New Hope

As long as the in-scene art world has willing and able participates that cooperate with the gallery owners and pay the fees and submit to the terms, and are willing to play the game, the in-scene-art-world managers and makers will continue to hold the trump cards and win. They will decide who gets seen and who doesn’t. who’s in and who’s out.

If the artist would fire the Gallery owners and art promoters then the beautiful people wouldn’t have anyone to exploit.
That would really change their in-scene-art-world and their pockets and their posture, in fact how would they pay their rent???

You too could succeed in becoming a professional artist in the in-scene-art-world if you know the right people and have the right look and know your place, and have money to spend.

Friday, February 15, 2008

A Blog thats VASTLY Different

What’s all this blogging about? Who’s reading all this stuff? Everyone has a blog these days. And it isn’t just blogs, there are so many little groups and clubs and links and favorites. Information overload really. There’s My Space, and Facebook, and Squido and Stylehive and Flickr and on and on. There is an unsearchable amount of information in the world and case in point, on the internet. Who could keep up with all this flurry and really who would want to?

Do we really need all this zoom, zoom, zoom of facts and links? Good question. And again, I am not going to blog about blogs. Blah, blah, bloody blah!
Sometimes it makes me want to go inside and shut the door.

But when you find a resource that is lovely to look at, chuck full of helpful information, and is also entertaining, now that is a blog worth reading.

Take VAST for instance. Here you will find an absolutely beautifully, well done group blog that has a high grade quality look and an intensely creative pulse about it that could make even the most uninspired and non-artistic person want to paint a ceiling and grow a beard.

V.A.S.T is a collective group of creative souls, who make up the Visual Art Team at Etsy. (which by the way, rhymes with Betsy. In case you were wondering.) VAST members are shop owners at Etsy who choose to congregate as a collective body, a Team.

Take a second to check us out by clicking the link below. Get the hazelnut brewing and relax a minute. This is a blog worth reading.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Got GIFT?? Be thankful not Arrogant.

When and How will your creative seeds grow and bloom?

You may have thought about and loved writing all your life, you’ve loved books and the stories they tell and even how the words can come together in a group to say or not say something. Maybe you’ve learned to think poetically and words dance and change and become colorful and vibrantly take on a face and even a scent, so much so that yes, now you can see, taste and smell that image your words brought to life. You find that you can and in fact, must write.

Gifts and talents are given to us. We can learn a skill and develop technique, but we cannot learn a gift. We can’t pay someone to make us gifted. Some, in fact have wonderful gifts and no training. One never knows how a gift will be discovered, or when.

I think for many of us, those discoveries come later in life when we are our true selves, healthy, adjusted and simmered down. We are vessels for our gifts. It is not about us. It is our view and thought and emotion (or lack thereof), it is our bent and our take, our expression on things, that is our part. We get to pick the paint color. But we cannot give ourselves a gift anymore than we can give ourselves life.

I think there is a great deal of arrogant self-acclaim in the literary and art world. I see it and hear it, but it is not beautiful. There isn’t anything at all attractive about a talented person who believes they are great. However, it is not bragging to admit a gift or a talent because it was given to us, the gift comes through us and we get to express it.

Ever heard a great singer singing? They were blessed with that voice. Of course they can work it, but even if I worked it, and worked at it, I would not be a great singer singing. Sigh!!

I took piano lessons and I can still sit down at my piano and pick out a similar sound to what is written on the page, but I am not gifted with musical ability. Even if I did practice, practice, practice, I am not a musician. Is it ego that wants credit or something else, insecurity maybe? What’s wrong with being gifted and talented?? You are gifted or you are not.

These are just my thoughts, something I've been thinking about. What do you think? Agree or disagree?

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Where do you put the FILM??????

Digital Cameras? Sure, why not? But where do I put the film??

That was the most puzzling thing to me. I do understand it now. That is after my daughter explained it to me and gave me a quick demo.

It was a gift for Christmas, my daughter lovingly gave me, and then told me to go read my manual.

She still asks if I have been reading it, my manual that is. Digital cameras do not require film.

For those of us who remember when nobody had a color T.V., and as teenagers we played 8 track tapes in our boyfriends GTO’s., this is not such a strange question.

It does take a little experimenting to learn all the ins and outs, but I do have the manual!

I know that my cats will be pleased when I stop bothering them. You would think that they have such hectic schedules and really just can’t spare the time to model for me. Whatever, I know better.

I also think that maybe the bathroom is not the most desirable place in my home to practice, really, I can do better than that. I love my camera. I will read my manual and I promise, no more shower curtain backgrounds!

Happy New Year everyone. Peace.