What makes Beads of Faith Jewelry different is that the entire basis for the business is to help others.
Beads of Faith has a different look and is built upon a different concept. Beads of Faith
donates 20% of every dollar to missions and hunger relief organizations; and that is how
Beads of Faith is sowing seeds for BODY & SOUL. Food for the belly and hope for
the heart.
It looks different because I do not use kits or patterns and I do not duplicate any piece.
At Beads of Faith the jewelry really is one-of-a-kind. (like me, smile)
I wish that for every dollar I spent (on beads), 20 cents was being used to help people.
I would feel much better about my purchases too. Life isn’t just about you and me. There are other people in the world that are hurting inside and out, dying inside and out.
We can all do something. I think women really like knowing that they are helping others with their jewelry purchases. They are not just buying earrings, they are buying earrings, rice and hope.
I think today’s world asks more of us as consumers than to plaster our cars with
little slogans and bumper stickers, but to make a real contribution for change. What good do the colored ribbons really do anyway? Do they provoke me to act? That is the bottom line. If you really want to raise awareness, put your money where their mouth is.
When you make a purchase at Beads of Faith, you are helping: the Karen Hill Tribe people, who are highly skilled at making handcrafted beads and pendants from high quality sterling silver. You are also helping a self representing artist work at her craft, and you are helping missionaries teach the Gospel and build houses and schools and medical centers and give medical care. And you are helping to end world hunger.
Yes, I know that it is only a $20.00 pair of earrings, but seeds are tiny little things when
we plant them, but then they take root and grow and grow and blossom. Just like the mustard seed. Just think of the impact we could have on our world if every business would give 20% of its sales (not profits).
There are so many good causes to get behind. Like finding a way to drive without
killing for oil. Think about that for a minute. Wouldn’t that be wonderful if we could
just say, never mind, you can keep your oil, we’re going to stay home and plant and
harvest soy crops and hemp. Hello?
Buy handmade. A good place to start is http://www.etsy.com/. And an even better idea, go to my shop at http://www.bethsbeadsoffaith.etsy.com/
Questions or comments? Email anytime. Thank you for you support. Tell a friend.