Thursday, February 28, 2008

No Show in New Hope, PA

New Walls for New Hope

As long as the in-scene art world has willing and able participates that cooperate with the gallery owners and pay the fees and submit to the terms, and are willing to play the game, the in-scene-art-world managers and makers will continue to hold the trump cards and win. They will decide who gets seen and who doesn’t. who’s in and who’s out.

If the artist would fire the Gallery owners and art promoters then the beautiful people wouldn’t have anyone to exploit.
That would really change their in-scene-art-world and their pockets and their posture, in fact how would they pay their rent???

You too could succeed in becoming a professional artist in the in-scene-art-world if you know the right people and have the right look and know your place, and have money to spend.

Friday, February 15, 2008

A Blog thats VASTLY Different

What’s all this blogging about? Who’s reading all this stuff? Everyone has a blog these days. And it isn’t just blogs, there are so many little groups and clubs and links and favorites. Information overload really. There’s My Space, and Facebook, and Squido and Stylehive and Flickr and on and on. There is an unsearchable amount of information in the world and case in point, on the internet. Who could keep up with all this flurry and really who would want to?

Do we really need all this zoom, zoom, zoom of facts and links? Good question. And again, I am not going to blog about blogs. Blah, blah, bloody blah!
Sometimes it makes me want to go inside and shut the door.

But when you find a resource that is lovely to look at, chuck full of helpful information, and is also entertaining, now that is a blog worth reading.

Take VAST for instance. Here you will find an absolutely beautifully, well done group blog that has a high grade quality look and an intensely creative pulse about it that could make even the most uninspired and non-artistic person want to paint a ceiling and grow a beard.

V.A.S.T is a collective group of creative souls, who make up the Visual Art Team at Etsy. (which by the way, rhymes with Betsy. In case you were wondering.) VAST members are shop owners at Etsy who choose to congregate as a collective body, a Team.

Take a second to check us out by clicking the link below. Get the hazelnut brewing and relax a minute. This is a blog worth reading.